SB-4 Water Sampling




PROS, Inc. is a California State Water Resources Control Board Designated Third Party Contractor for SB-4 Water Sampling


California has been producing oil and natural gas (gas) for over 100 years and currently is the third largest producer in the United States. The majority of oil production in the state is concentrated in the southern San Joaquin Valley, but oil production also occurs in the Los Angeles and Central Coast areas.


The volume of oil and gas that is produced from an oil or gas well may be enhanced by using well stimulation treatment. Well stimulation treatments include processes such as hydraulic fracturing (also known as fracking), acid fracturing, and acid matrix stimulation. Well stimulation methods involve pumping a mixture of liquid, chemicals (which can include acid), and/or sand down an oil or gas well under high pressure to fracture or dissolve portions of the rock formation. The process creates voids whereby oil and gas can more easily flow toward the well.


In response to concerns over potential impacts of well stimulation activities on water resources, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 4 (SB 4) in 2013, which amended the Public Resources Code and Water Code as they relate to oil and gas well stimulation activities. This legislation created new requirements for oil and gas operators, the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR), the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board), regional water quality control boards (Regional Water Boards), and other agencies to implement when performing or permitting well stimulation treatments.


The State Water Board is required to designate one or more qualified independent third-party contractors to perform property owner requested water quality sampling and testing (Pub. Resources Code, §3160, subd. (d)(7)(B)).


Click HERE for a list of Designated Third Party Contractors.



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